Mount Lofty Botanic Gardens
Mount Lofty Botanic Garden Mount Lofty SA 5152
08 8370 8370
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Rose Garden
Wollemi Pine
This spectacular hills garden on the eastern slopes of Mount Lofty features cool climate plants and is less than half an hour from the city centre. The collections in the garden come from various geographic regions such as South America, China, East Africa, New Zealand, South East Asia and North America.
Mount Lofty Botanic Garden is also home to the ATCO Heritage Rose Collection and has on display a scattering of artistic sculptures by esteemed artists such as Greg Johns.
Experience 100 hectares of native bushland, transformed into a cool temperate garden of breathtaking displays which change with the seasons.
The BankSA Nature Trail in the Mount Lofty Botanic Garden is a popular walk winding through a seven hectare area of natural scrub.
It’s an interesting place to visit at any time of the year – the native plants and animals on the trail vary with the season and the bird life is truly remarkable.
Ten points of interest are marked along the trail. You can pick up a brochure, explaining the ecology of the area that will help you find the markers. The trail takes about an hour to walk and can be started at either end.
The main tree of the Piccadilly Valley is the Messmate stringybark, Eucalyptus obliqua. At the turn of the century the whole valley was clear-felled with the exception of a few individual trees. The timber was harvested for use in the copper mines at Kanmantoo and as firewood in the factories of Adelaide. Since then, some parts of the valley have regenerated and, with the exception of competition from weeds and interruption by fire, a second generation forest has grown.
The trail is an official alternative route for the Heysen Trail. It is 850m long and drops about 100m, very steeply in some places. Good walking shoes are essential and please take care at all times, particularly in wet weather.