God’s Hill Wines
- Lot 211 God’s Hill Road Lyndoch SA 5351
- 0412836004
- moc.seniwllihsdog@gnitekram
- www.godshillwines.com
- Rose’
- Menzel
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We are a family business producing a small selection of premium quality red and white wines, situated in the famous Barossa Valley. Our style is a continuation of a tradition which has been practiced since Roman times in the Campania region of Central Italy. After establishing God’s Hill Vineyard with his family, Charlie Scalzi’s love and passion for fine wine created the God’s Hill Wines label. In doing so he has followed in the footsteps of his ancestors bringing an ancient tradition to a new land.
God’s Hill specialises in small batch boutique wines. The combination of naturally occurring fertile soil and the deeply respectful winemarking methodology makes for a wine experience that is unique.
The vineyard is set in the wine region the original inhabitants called Poonawatta which means my fertile land.
God’s Hill Wines are made from a careful selecion of premium grapes from Charlie’s God’s Hill vineyard carefully tended by the vigneron Felice Scalzi, Charlie’s son.
Enter via Colonel Light Drive & Morphet Road, Lyndoch. PH. 8336 9990