Soul Star Retreat

Soul Star Retreat offers a romantic and soulful getaway for couples or groups providing accommodation up to 6 people (3 couples or 5 individuals) with shared facilities in tranquility. You can indulge in a private personal development workshop, healing or massage and we leave you essential oils to burn or relax in the bath. Our Reception offers antiques/old wares, gifts, books/cds/dvds. Located on Sturt Highway we are easily accessible to/from the Barossa, Riverland, mid-North and Adelaide.

More information:

Join Cheryl and Holger and indulge in your own private and exclusive Shifting Gears? 2 day weekend retreat. Also receive Emotional Rescue? freeing you from any negative experience you may be holding onto and which may be leaving you feeling powerless in life. Packages are: $1,347 per person (min 2 people) and include: * 1 night accommodation at Soul Star Retreat * Continental Breakfast * Your own Personalised 2 day Workshop * Emotional Rescue * BBQ Saturday night * Massage optional extra
Click the link below to take a virtual tour of Soul Star Retreat … Soul Star Retreat
Soul Star Retreat is home to Soul Star Connections? shop which offers a range of antiques and interesting old wares as well as a range of self-help and self-development products and books/cds/dvds and gifts to complement our workshops and courses. You are welcome to come in and browse or just have a chat. Reception/Shop is open 10am-5pm each day or by appointment.

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