Hart of the Barossa
- Corner Vine Vale & Light Pass Roads Vine Vale Barossa Valley SA 5352
- 0412 586 006
- ua.moc.assorabehtfotrah@asila
- www.hartofthebarossa.com.au
Hart of the Barossa is a premium organic wine brand, renowned internationally for award winning wines. The Hart block, owned by vintners Michael and Alisa Hart, is the oldest certified organic vineyard in the Barossa Valley.
“We have been certified organic for 20 years but you may be interested to know our 110 year old Shiraz vines have always been farmed organically.
Our inspiration is to create bold and authentic wine from the purest grapes nature can offer, which is better for the environment, better for our health and absolutely tastes better”.
Our sustainable farming philosophy is to ensure our land will be viable for future generations!